To date, we’ve asked 26 current and past zoology and related animal studies students about their happiness with their degree. Turns out, they rate it above average.

No matter the degree, there are some common factors that predict satisfaction.

To help you reach the decision that is right for you, we asked students who have pursued a zoology and related animal studies degree to respond to questions concerning five dimensions of the educational track they chose:

  • Course material: Were they interested in the material they learned?
  • Intellectual fulfillment: Did they find the coursework intellectually stimulating?
  • Job prospects: Did they leave the program with job opportunities?
  • Personality: Was the degree a good fit for their personality?
  • Overall fit: Were they happy with the program overall?

We examined their responses and combined the rankings to give us an average satisfaction score across all students. This doesn't necessarily reflect how satisfied you would be with a zoology and related animal studies degree, but it’s a starting point to help you evaluate your options.

How satisfied are zoology and related animal studies students compared to other degrees?

Overall, zoology and related animal studies students rate their satisfaction with their degree a 3.4 out of 5. This is high compared to other degrees which average a rating of 3.28 across all degrees. For context, zoology and related animal studies students rate their happiness similarly to students in Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Social Sciences and Public Health.

Here are other degrees that have a similar satisfaction rating to zoology and related animal studies

DegreeAvg Grad SalarySatisfaction
Mathematics and Statistics$82,860
Public Health$44,161
Social Sciences$67,025
Zoology and Related Animal Studies$53,523
Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics$62,035
Project Management$70,023
Public Administration and Social Services$60,375
Neuroscience and Related Studies$49,718
Biological and Biomedical Sciences$64,869

Let's break that down further.

Are zoology and related animal studies students satisfied with what they’re learning?

We asked students about their satisfaction with their course material and overall intellectual fulfillment. Here’s what they said:

We asked graduates how interesting they found the course material to be. Their response was:
4.0 out of 5 stars
26 ratings
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 stars
We asked graduates how intellectually fulfilling they found the degree. Their response was:
3.6 out of 5 stars
27 ratings
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 stars

These ratings are meant to give you an indication about what other people enrolled in zoology and related animal studies experienced. While their input is useful, keep in mind that different people have had vastly different experiences, all of which were impacted by their personal motivations, professors, and specific curriculum. Always keep your own goals at the center of your decision-making process when it comes to something as significant as your education.

Did zoology and related animal studies graduates leave school with good job prospects?

Of course, working towards a degree is also about pursuing your desired career. Here’s what zoology and related animal studies grads had to say about their job prospects:

We asked graduates how satisfied they were with their job prospects. Their response was:
2.8 out of 5 stars
27 ratings
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 stars

These responses represent a wide range of opinions. Things like extracurricular activities, internships and work placements can set you up for success after graduation.

Were zoology and related animal studies students happy with their degree overall?

This rating takes into account all factors: how demanding the program is, whether graduates felt it was worthwhile, and how fulfilling they found their educational experience.

We asked graduates how satisfied they were with their degree as a whole. Their response was:
3.4 out of 5 stars
26 ratings
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 stars

As you consider this information and input from others, remember above all that your choice should be based on your interests, goals, passions, and abilities. Consider the future and give yourself time. If you’re feeling unsure, click here to take our career assessment and see what path could be right for you.


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