Tuition costs are a reality of post-secondary education, but it’s important not to be discouraged. If your top school is financially out of reach, your second or third choice may serve your future just as well. To help you find the program that’s right for you, we’ve rounded up typical tuition costs for educational administration degrees. Here’s the range:

average yearly tuition as per the most recent US census data
$ 9,864 per year
Average in-state tuition in 2017

16% above average compared to other degrees

$ 24,087 per year
Average out-of-state tuition in 2017

17% above average compared to other degrees

$ 37,411 per year
Average private tuition in 2017

14% above average compared to other degrees

$ N/A per year
Average graduate salary
% of people underpaid in 2019

0% above average compared to other degrees


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