There are currently an estimated 17,100 motorcycle mechanics in the United States. The motorcycle mechanic job market is expected to grow by 1.8% between 2022 and 2032.

How employable are motorcycle mechanics?

CareerExplorer rates motorcycle mechanics with a D employability rating, meaning this career should provide weak employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 5,100 motorcycle mechanics. That number is based on 300 additional motorcycle mechanics, and the retirement of 4,800 existing motorcycle mechanics.

Are motorcycle mechanics in demand?

Slow job growth is projected for motorcycle mechanics. With rising gas prices and growing environmental consciousness, small vehicles and motorcycles are becoming increasingly popular as primary modes of transportation. However, most opportunities and demand for motorcycle mechanics will result from the need to replace retirees and workers who leave the occupation. The field is predicted to undergo minimal net growth. The limited number of openings will likely go to mechanics who have acquired specialized skills through formal post-secondary training programs. Job seekers entering this occupation should be prepared to potentially work fewer hours during the winter, when motorcycle use declines somewhat. Most jobs are predicted to be in the motorcycle dealer industry, as service and repair operations are an important and profitable aspect of this business. There are few advancement opportunities for motorcycle mechanics. Those with management ability may become service managers or general managers for motorcycle dealerships. Some mechanics open their own motorcycle shops and sometimes expand their businesses to service other vehicles with internal combustion engines, such as snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, and automobiles.

What’s the supply of motorcycle mechanics?

The motorcycle mechanic industry is concentrated in California, Texas, Florida

Motorcycle Mechanic job market by state

State Name Employed Motorcycle Mechanics
California 1,380
Texas 1,250
Florida 1,190
Pennsylvania 690
New York 680
Ohio 600
Colorado 580
Wisconsin 550
Iowa 500
Michigan 480
Georgia 450
Washington 440
North Carolina 430
Illinois 400
Minnesota 380
Alabama 320
Tennessee 320
Virginia 310
Missouri 300
Oregon 300
Indiana 290
Kentucky 240
Maryland 230
South Carolina 220
Oklahoma 220
Louisiana 210
Utah 200
Arkansas 200
Montana 200
Nevada 200
Idaho 190
Arizona 180
Maine 160
New Jersey 160
New Hampshire 160
West Virginia 150
Massachusetts 130
South Dakota 120
Kansas 120
New Mexico 110
Connecticut 110
Mississippi 100
Wyoming 70
Nebraska 60