Customer success manager earnings by seniority

90th percentile

Top-level customer success manager earnings begin at:

$64.90 per hour

$135,000 per year

75th percentile

Senior-level customer success manager earnings begin at:

$48.08 per hour

$100,000 per year

50th percentile

Mid-level customer success manager earnings begin at:

$33.65 per hour

$70,000 per year

25th percentile

Junior-level customer success manager earnings begin at:

$24.76 per hour

$51,500 per year

10th percentile

Starting level customer success manager earnings begin at:

$18.25 per hour

$37,960 per year

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Customer success manager salary by state

State Name Average Salary
New York $75,811
California $61,054

How do customer success manager salaries compare to similar careers?

Customer success managers earn about the same as related careers in the United States. On average, they make less than mathematicians but more than buyers.

Career Median Salary
Mathematician salary $75K
Supply chain manager salary $72K
Operations manager salary $68K
Fundraising manager salary $69K
Compensation and benefits manager salary $73K
Customer success manager salary $70K
Talent agent salary $71K
Marketing manager salary $66K
Business analyst salary $69K
Buyer salary $70K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)