Highest Paying Jobs For Creative Thinkers

Think outside the box and make a lot of money. These are the highest paid jobs for creative thinkers.

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Highest Paying Jobs for Creative Thinkers

Do you take joy in solving problems in novel ways? Are you skilled at coming up with strategies that no one else has thought of?

When people hear the words “creative thinker,” they tend to picture a composer, a photographer, a writer, or some other kind of artist. But in reality, creative thought can encompass so much more than these endeavours. Highly innovative individuals can be found in a wide range of industries—from film to engineering—and at an even wider range of pay grades.

If you’re looking for a career that is both monetarily and intellectually rewarding, read on. One of these exciting positions may be for you.

Here are CareerExplorer’s Top Careers for Creative Thinkers

This article will be covering the following careers:

Career Avg Salary Satisfaction Your Match
Chief Executive $215k 3.9/5
Physicist $145k 3.6/5
Advertising Manager $104k 3.1/5
Robotics Engineer $72k 4.2/5
Biochemist $91k 3.4/5
School Principal $101k 3.5/5
Film Director $80k 4.4/5
Casting Director $100k 3.5/5
Atmospheric Scientist $102k 3.4/5
68% Match?

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1. Chief Executive

Being a chief executive can look very different depending on where you work. In large organizations, they tend to have big picture duties like strategic planning and policy formation; in smaller companies, they often manage more of the daily operations. But no matter what their specific job description, they chief executives have a high degree of control within the organization. They are an integral part of the present and future of the company.

Chief Executive Chief Executive

Chief Executive

Your Match?

In the broadest sense, a chief executive refers to the top executive or leader within an organization or entity.

2. Physicist

A career in physics is a career in problem solving. Physicists are highly creative individuals who use their knowledge to identify and explore the basic principles that govern the behaviour, structure, and interactions of matter and energy. They are found in both theoretical and practical settings in a variety of subfields, including fluid dynamics, laser science, and nuclear physics.

Physicist Physicist


Your Match?

A physicist specializes in the study of the fundamental principles governing the behavior of matter and energy in the universe.

3. Advertising Manager

At the most basic level, advertising managers are in the business of selling desire. They work with companies both large and small to generate interest in products or services among potential buyers. Along the way, they liaise with sales, marketing, and advertising staff to create, implement, and evaluate new campaigns. This is an exciting and varied career requiring both an intuitive understanding of how people think and the insight to capitalize on it.

Advertising Manager Advertising Manager

Advertising Manager

Your Match?

An advertising manager is responsible for planning, implementing, and managing advertising campaigns to promote products, services, or brands.

4. Robotics Engineer

Very few people realize that robotics engineers are, in fact, designers. These highly original individuals are responsible for developing and testings robots and robotic systems that can assist humans with a dazzling array of tasks. Through their work, robotics engineers help make life easier, safer, and more efficient.

Robotics Engineer Robotics Engineer

Robotics Engineer

Your Match?

A robotics engineer specializes in the design, development, and implementation of robotic systems and technologies.

5. Biochemist

Biochemists study the biological, chemical, and physical principles that make life on earth possible. They tend to be both inventive and disciplined, using their critical thinking skills to plan and conduct complex research projects, synthesize and analyze molecules such as enzymes and DNA, study the effects of drugs, food, hormones, and other substances on biological function, and more.

Biochemist Biochemist


Your Match?

Biochemistry is a branch of science that focuses on the chemical reactions and processes that occur within living organisms.

6. School Principal

They may not be the first people who come to mind when you think of "creative thinkers," but most principals are extremely imaginative individuals. Responsible for defining the overarching vision of their school, principals may find themselves completing a diverse range of tasks. From planning academic calendars to restructuring student programming, many of their duties involve a forward-thinking mindset.

School Principal School Principal

School Principal

Your Match?

A school principal serves as the educational leader and administrative head of a school.

7. Film Director

Film directors are the visionaries behind many of the world's most beloved productions. These highly original individuals work with writers, actors, set designers, and other film professionals to bring ideas to life on the silver screen. They help determine which actors should play which roles, how each scene should unfold, what props are going to be used, and more. This variety of tasks can make film director an exciting career option for creative people.

Film Director Film Director

Film Director

Your Match?

A film director is a key creative figure in the filmmaking process, responsible for guiding and overseeing the artistic and technical elements of a movie.

8. Casting Director

Talent directors determine the talent required for various productions and help select the most suitable candidates to hire for roles in radio, film, television, and stage. Acting as a go-between for directors and agents, they audition, interview, and maintain files on each performer. This career can be a dream come true for lovers of the performing arts—especially for those who are too shy to be in the spotlight themselves.

Casting Director Casting Director

Casting Director

Your Match?

A casting director is responsible for selecting actors, performers, and sometimes crew members for various roles in movies, television shows, theater productions, commercials, and other performing arts projects.

9. Atmospheric Scientist

Atmospheric science is a fascinating and intellectually stimulating field. Atmospheric scientists (or climatologists) studies use their analytical thinking skills to study the earth's atmosphere, weather, and climate. Their day-to-day can involve exploring meteorological data to find patterns, creating weather graphics and maps, and producing forecasts using sophisticated mathematical models.

Atmospheric Scientist Atmospheric Scientist

Atmospheric Scientist

Your Match?

An atmospheric scientist studies the Earth's atmosphere and its various components, including the gases, aerosols, and other physical and chemical processes that occur within it.