There are currently an estimated 17,600 audio engineers in the United States. The audio engineer job market is expected to shrink by -1.1% between 2022 and 2032.

How employable are audio engineers?

CareerExplorer rates audio engineers with a F employability rating, meaning this career should provide poor employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 5,600 audio engineers. That number is based on the retirement of 5,800 existing audio engineers.

Are audio engineers in demand?

As long as people continue to listen to music and watch television; as long as they flock to sporting arenas, cinemas, theatres, and concert halls, there will be a demand for the audio engineers and technicians who confer and consult with producers, performers, and others in order to determine and achieve the desired sound. Without audio engineers, the world of entertainment would literally be silenced. Competition for employment as an audio engineer is found to be highest in large metropolitan areas throughout California and New York. Salaries are usually higher in these areas, but supply exceeds demand. Audio engineers have a better likelihood of getting hired in smaller, less lucrative markets.

What’s the supply of audio engineers?

The audio engineer industry is concentrated in California, New York, Florida

Audio Engineer job market by state

State Name Employed Audio Engineers
California 4,740
New York 1,820
Florida 640
Texas 500
New Jersey 450
Georgia 410
Tennessee 410
Illinois 380
Virginia 260
Massachusetts 250
Washington 250
Louisiana 240
Utah 220
North Carolina 200
Ohio 190
Pennsylvania 180
Minnesota 170
Maryland 160
Connecticut 160
Missouri 130
Colorado 110
South Carolina 100
Indiana 100
Oklahoma 100
Michigan 90
District of Columbia 80
Puerto Rico 50
Iowa 50
Wisconsin 50
Arizona 50
New Mexico 40
Kentucky 40
Arkansas 30