There are currently an estimated 2,400 astronomers in the United States. The astronomer job market is expected to grow by 8.3% between 2022 and 2032.

How employable are astronomers?

CareerExplorer rates astronomers with a D employability rating, meaning this career should provide weak employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 3,600 astronomers. That number is based on 200 additional astronomers, and the retirement of 3,400 existing astronomers.

Are astronomers in demand?

Since astronomers are particularly dependent upon government funding, federal budgetary decisions will continue to significantly influence the job outlook in the field. This is expected to result in heightened competition for research jobs among Ph.D. holders. Candidates with Doctorate Degrees will have other employment options as university professors and in the corporate sector. Their most common corporate role is likely to be as natural science managers, supervising the work of scientists in research and development, testing, quality control, and production. Perhaps surprisingly, astronomers with a Ph.D. are also highly sought after in banking and finance. This sector uses their expertise to develop mathematical models of financial instruments and to program high technology, high performance computers. Aspiring astronomers with only a Bachelor’s Degree do not typically qualify for research positions. They may, however, work under experienced astronomers as research assistants or technicians or find jobs in engineering, mathematics, computer science, and environmental science. High school physics teachers are in heightened demand in some school districts, creating another road to possible employment.

What’s the supply of astronomers?

Astronomer job market by state

State Name Employed Astronomers
Maryland 520
California 240
Arizona 240
Texas 210
Colorado 140
Hawaii 80
District of Columbia 70
Ohio 40
New Mexico 30